A black and white portrait of Anthony Froshaug. Taken from the Anthony Froshaug Archive housed at the University of Brighton Design Archives.

‘Portrait’ (no date). Uncatalogued (AFG-6).

Anthony Froshaug (1920 -1984) studied at the Central School of Arts & Crafts in London in the 1930s. He established himself as a freelance printer, typographer and exhibition designer influenced by the progressive European typography of Jan Tschichold whose work he sought to publish in Britain. Froshaug taught at the Central School of Arts & Crafts, the Hochschule fur Gestaltung Ulm, the Royal College of Art, and Watford School of Art. The Froshaug archive documents both his design practice and his pedagogy.



Printed exhibition times for Anthony Froshaug's exhibition called 'Retrospective Exhibition' at the Watford College of Technology in 1965. Taken from the Anthony Froshaug Archive housed at the University of Brighton Design Archives.

‘Retrospective Exhibition’ (1965). Exhibition times at the Watford College of Technology. Uncatalogued (AFG-8).

Type samples designed by Anthony Froshaug printed on an A4 piece of paper with some hand made marks in ink. Taken from the Anthony Froshaug Archive housed at the University of Brighton Design Archives.

‘Type Samples’ (no date). Uncatalogued (AFG-1).

A printed brief called 'Intrusive Brief' as set by Anthony Froshaug to the Brighton Polytechnic first year DipAD Course in 1970. Taken from the Anthony Froshaug Archive housed at the University of Brighton Design Archives.

‘Intrusive Brief’ (1970). A brief by Froshaug to Brighton Polytechnic First Year DipAD Course. Uncatalogued (AFG/2).