Aldrich Collection of Fine Art and Artefacts University of Brighton Faculty of Arts

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Brendan Neiland

  • About the Artist
  • Works
  • Links
  • Born in 1941, Brendan Neiland was appointed Professor of Painting at University of Brighton in 1996. Exhibitions of his work were held at the University of Brighton Gallery in 1994 and 1997. Publications while associated with Brighton include, 'Listening to the Light the art of Brendan Neiland' Michael Tucker (1993),  Brendan Neiland On Reflection (Motivate Publishing 1997).

  • Title of Work:Aldrich Library Date:1999 Medium:Acrylic on canvas
    General Information:
    Title of Work:Pavilion Date:1993 Medium:Screen print
    General Information:
    Title of Work:Brighton Date:1993 Medium:Acrylic on canvas
    General Information:
    Title of Work:Untitled Date:1999 Medium:Stencils
    General Information:
    Title of Work:Pavilion Date:1993 Medium:Screen Print
    General Information:
    Title of Work:Pavilion Date:1993 Medium:Screenprint
    General Information:
    Title of Work:Pavilion Date:1993 Medium:Screen Print
    General Information:
  • Brendan Neiland official website