Graphic Brighton: Drawing in the Margins
Sallis Benney Theatre, University of Brighton, 58-67 Grand Parade BN2 0JY
Friday 1 May and Saturday 2 May
The University of Brighton and Myriad Editions present an evening and day of graphic novelists and comic creators who all ‘draw in the margins’, their work giving voice to otherwise marginalised or under-represented groups. The 20 creators who will be presenting their work, alongside questions from academics, will be showing how comics are a brilliant medium for displaying the lives of people whose stories are rarely told in the medium, such as pregnant women, people with autism, those of a minority ethnic background and much more.
Friday 1 May
Friday evening will host a panel on gay Manga followed by a Myriad Quick Strips event where 12 creators talk about their work in 5 minute slots.
6.30pm - Doors open
6.45pm - Panel discussion on Gay Manga,
Yaoi and Japanese style art in LGBT themed comics
Emma Vieceli - artist: Breaks webcomic / Vampire Academy graphic novels
Inko & Chie Kutsuwada - artists / writers: Go♥Go Metro! webcomic
Ilya – writer / artist Room for Love
8.30pm: Myriad Quick Strips event -
Local comic book artists present their work in 5 min Pecha Kucha style slots
Henny Beaumont (A Hole in the Heart), Gareth Brookes (The Black Project), Joe Decie (The Listening Agent), Kate Evans (Bump), Wallis Eates (You Chew, I Spew), Hannah Eaton (Naming Monsters), Fraser Geessin (The Cleaner), Ilya (Room for Love), Dan Locke (Going Home), Danny Noble (Monday Morning), Jade Sarson (For the love of God, Marie!) Nicola Streeten (Billy, Me & You), Will Volley (The Opportunity) and Ian Williams (The Bad Doctor)
Compere: Nye Wright (Things To Do in a Retirement Home Trailer Park)
Saturday 2 May
Saturday offers panels, talks and workshops by comic writers, artists, publishers and researchers on themes including (but not exclusive to): marginalised voices in comics, age, multiculturalism, street dwellers, autism, pregnancy and motherhood, plus comics as a marginalised medium.
9.30am - Registration
10am - 12.20pm Morning Panels on the following:
10am: Comics: a still marginalised medium?
Tim Pilcher (Erotic Comics) and Karrie Fransman (Death of the Artist / The House that Groaned)
11.20am: ‘Can’t we talk about something more pleasant?’ Older people and comics
Muna Al Jawad (Consultant in Elderly Medicine and Cartoonist), Julian Hanshaw (Tim Ginger) and Corinne Pearlman (Playing the Jewish Card comic strip)
11.20am: Multiculturalism in comics – how are people from differing ethnic origins depicted?
Warren Pleece (The Great Unwashed) and Patrice Aggs (The Boss)
1pm-4pm: Afternoon panels including:
1pm: Street Dwellers – do the homeless have a voice in comics
Ilya (Room for Love) and Nye Wright (Things to do in a Retirement Home Trailer Park)
1pm: The YES Project – representing the experience of non-verbal Autism
Laura Malacart (YES) and Dan Locke (A Graphic Cosmogony)
14.20: A History of Marginalised Voices in Comic Strips
Ian Rakoff (Victoria and Albert Museum)
14:20: Bumps, Births & early Motherhood in comics and graphic novels
Henny Beaumont (A Hole in the Heart), Francesca Cassavetti (The Most Natural Thing in the World) and Kate Evans (Bump)
15:20 Plenary - a selection of attending cartoonists share their thoughts of the day and hopes for the future of marginalised groups in comics
(Photos from last year's Graphic Brighton featuring Hannah Berry, Ian Willams, Hannah Eaton, Corinne Pearlman and David Lloyd)
Saturday guests (in order of panel appearance):
Tim Pilcher – author, lecturer, editor, UK Liaison for Humanoids, co-writer / editor: Brighton the Graphic Novel and current project Brighton’s Graphic War
Karrie Fransman - artist / writer: The House that Groaned and Death of the Artist graphic novels, comics and experimental comics, TEDx speaker on Why We Should be Taking Comics More Seriously
Dr. Muna al Jawad - Consultant in Elderly Medicine, Brighton & Sussex Medical School & cartoonist
Corinne Pearlman - Graphic novels editor Myriad Editons & cartoonist for Jewish Quarterly
Ian Rakoff - writer: The Prisoner: Living in Harmony / comics lecturer at the Victoria & Albert Museum
Nye Wright - writer / artist: Things to do in a Retirement Home Trailer Park
Ilya - writer / artist: Room for Love
Laura Malacart - visual artist, researcher and academic, project author and designer: Yes! Based on a True Story of 'Non-Verbal' Autism
Dan Locke - artist Helix; artist/writer Going Home, artist / illustrator Yes! Based on a True Story of 'Non-Verbal' Autism
Warren Pleece - artist: Incognegro / Montague Terrace
Patrice Aggs - artist: The Boss
Henny Beaumont - writer / artist: A Hole in the Heart
Francesca Cassavetti - writer / artist: The Most Natural Thing in the World
Kate Evans - writer / artist: Funny Weather, The Food of Love, Bump! How to Make, Grow and Birth a Baby
Podcasts of last year’s Graphic Brighton closing panel:
part 1:
part 2:
With thanks to Myriad Editions and Escape Books for help and publicity