Screendance Symposium (2011) archive

Audio file 1: Catherine Wood, Curator Contemporary Art and Performance at Tate Modern, London UK.

File will be uploaded shortly. 

Title of Paper: Ballet Mécanique

The paper explores the mediation of movement, dance and performance in the everyday, asking where screendance begins and ends. Including a discussion of the work of artists Dara Brinbaum, Mark Lecky, Bonnie Camplin, Catherine Sullivan and Keren Cytter. 

The Screendance Symposium was convened by Claudia Kappenberg and Sarah Whatley at the University of Brighton to mark the conclusion of a two-year research period of the International Screendance Network as well as the UK launch of the International Journal of Screendance. The research and concluding event were funded by the AHRC.

For further information on the symposium see:

A report with views of delegates has also been published in Issue 2 of the International Journal of Screendance. (