The Silver Stories partners
Led from the University of Brighton, the success of Silver Stories is dependent on its international partnerships, through which it gains a global understanding of how this work can be fostered and disseminated.

Based on the south coast of England, the University of Brighton is a thriving, multi-campus university with research and teaching that transforms lives and benefits communities worldwide. The College of Arts and Humanities promotes scholarly activity across its disciplines including community outreach in arts and entertainments, its research in practice disciplines has an international reputation, with innovative work in story-telling, media, digital and visual communications. It has evolved from the Brighton School of Art founded in 1859, and continues to develop its remit for the enhancement of lives through the arts and humanities, providing a framework for the support and reward of good practice in civic engagement and social responsibility.
'One of the most in-demand universities in the UK …’
Sunday Times University Guide

”To be a person is to have a story to tell.” - Isak Dinesen.
This quote describe the whole foundation and vision of Digital Storylab, which Nikoline Lohmann started as a company in 2007 in Copenhagen after working in Berkeley and Oakland with digital storytelling.
Her passion for storytelling, new media and empowerment of people came after working for big web companies as an usability and web consultant.
In Denmark there is a need of people telling their own stories, so Digital Storylab was the first initiative to engage and spread the method of digital storytelling. She has been involved in digital storytelling projects in the nordic countries and around Europe.
Laurea merges research and development activities into its educational task. Working together experts from Laurea, students and partners generate new knowledge.In practice Laurea R&D is conducted in partnership with the world of industry and commerce which means that genuine workplace development issues and problems are selected as subjects of learning and development.Laurea's innovation services offer help for utilising new knowledge and competence commercially. Innovation embryos are refined into commercial products and services, for which suitable commercialisation procedures and business models are identified. TULI expert services are made use of during the various stages of the process.Spinno Enterprise Center delivers world class, award winning pre-incubation and incubation programs for technology and knowledge based start-ups aiming at rapid growth and international successLaurea publishes research studies, theses, reports and other products of its research and development work. These publications are made available online according to the open access principle. Some publications are also issued in print. Kehittäjä - Prime Mover has been published twice a year as a bilingual magazine with articles in both Finnish and English.
Trapezio is a small Portuguese organisation with expertise in digital storytelling and social media in both the social and corporate contexts. We deliver workshops, at both standard and ‘train the trainer’ levels, which main foci are education and social causes. We are also working in educational projects, notably with COMENIUS and LEONARDO, as facilitators of digital storytelling workshops. We produced an E-Learning Course on Digital Storytelling, already being by teachers in Italy, Bulgaria, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Switzerland and Norway. In Portugal, Trapezio has been working with teachers’ associations, museums, social projects, corporations and entrepreneurs, among others, in the promotion of digital storytelling and social media through workshops and platform development. Internationally, we have a broad international network of organizations within the social and education sectors, who are experimenting with and using digital storytelling to effect social change, upskill disadvantaged people and contribute to the emerging global network of online digital stories. In Portugal, we see as one of our goals to strengthen the Portuguese position as providers of low-cost solutions in social media and digital storytelling training, and digital platform development in education and enterprise incubation.
Established in 2002 in Bistrita, Progress Foundation is an experienced Romanian NGO that pilots local initiatives in the field of education/training, community development and volunteerism and then scales it up, at national level, as innovative and impactful best practices, using county and local libraries (as lifelong learning hubs and social innovation centres) to reach out to virtually any social group and/or citizen, especially to the most marginalised ones. Throughout its 10 years of activity, Progress Foundation has implemented projects which focused on local capacity building, digital literacy and social innovation, thereby enabling groups at risk (such as Roma, marginalized youngsters, elderly people etc) to develop new skills, reintegrate on the labor market and become active members in their communities. In time, Progress Foundation was acknowledged as the promoter of social inclusion of the Gypsy/Roma community, and the community development project of the Foundation from Bărbuleşti (Ialomiţa County) was declared “best practice” in Romania by UNICEFF. From 2002 till 2007, Progress Foundation was a privileged partner of the European programme of "The Prince's Trust" organization (the largest youth charity from Great Britain) and has been awarded numerous grants from major donors: EU (PHARE, Grundtvig), DfID, USAID-World Learning, European Youth Foundation or private funding.
Progress Foundation's vision is that "small is beautiful" meaning that small activities, small targeted interventions can produce great impact in people' and communities' life. That's why the motto for our programs is: SMALL STEPS – GIANT LEAPS!
Mitra, Development of Audiovisual Culture and Intercultural Dialogue, is an organization that promotes social inclusion through media activism and practical use of digital democratization, empowering young and old alike in media participation. This is achieved through organizing international documentary workshops, concerts, culinary art, photo exhibitions and public documentary screenings.
The Centre for Urban and Community Research was established in 1994 as an interdisciplinary research centre within the Sociology Department of Goldsmiths (one of the two highest rated sociology departments in the country for research excellence), University of London. Today our research stretches from New Cross to New York, Hong Kong, Mexico City and Ljubljana. With core expertise ranging from visual sociology to digital geo-demography, the CUCR remains central to debates about community, ecology, governance, multiculture, citizenship, arts and media in contemporary cities.
Our research focuses on three key strands: Community, ecology and governance; Multiculture, migration and citizenship ; Arts, media and sport.
As well as its research projects and teaching, the Centre for Urban and Community Research is involved in a range of on-going activities and events. These activities connect us to a range of stakeholders and user communities in our locality and in wider civil society.
We work for a range of clients, including local authorities, community groups, charitable trusts, arts organisations and government departments. Commissions include small focused pieces of work, and longer-term large-scale projects. We have built a reputation for our participative, qualitative and formative approach and are seen to be engaged, practically focused and responsive to specific needs, including understanding the political, policy and economic contexts within which our partners operate. For example, one of our strengths is turning academic concepts into practical toolkits and resources.
DigiTales is a not for profit research company hosted by the Department of Media and Communications at Goldsmiths, University of London. It uses digital storytelling as a means to: Enable the widest possible range of people to tell their personal stories through the use of digital media; Foster the inclusion of marginalised people by providing them with access to ICT and building the confidence and skills needed to create a short online film; Explore the potential of narrative and digital storytelling as a powerful source of information and experience that can help to influence or effect change. DigiTales is part of a growing network of over 400 digital storytelling projects, practitioners and organizations across the globe.
The Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal (IPL) is a public institution of higher education, at the service of society, dedicated to the production and diffusion of knowledge, creation, transmission and diffusion of culture, science, technology and arts, applied research and experimental development.
IPL develops its activities in the aim of education and training, research, provision of services to the community and extending cooperation in educational, cultural and technical areas. IPL has about 890 teachers, more than 12.000 students and modern facilities and equipment. The institution comprises six teaching and research units, namely 5 Schools and the Institute for Research, Development and Advanced Studies (INDEA). INDEA is the unit responsible for promoting, supporting and coordinating R&D activities in IPL, and for promoting advanced training.
The Health Research Unit (UIS), created in 2010, one of the research units that compose the INDEA of IPL. UIS is deeply committed in developing interdisciplinary scientific research studies and activities on health sciences, in order to formulate strategies of promoting a better and improved health among the populations. The research studies carried out by UIS are divided in three main areas, namely in: a) Health education & formation; b) Intervention in health; c) Health policy and management.