3rd Dec 2009 8:00pm
Sallis Benney Theatre
DIRECTOR: MARK LEWIS. USA 2009. 39 mins.
In this documentary Lewis tells the story of the founders of rear projection, a technique in which a second unit crew films a scene’s actual location. Lewis has said, “… in the 1920s someone had the great idea to actually put film inside of film – in order to give the effect that someone was somewhere where they were not . . . Now it seems to me that at this point film became fully and definitively ‘modern.’”
DIRECTOR: MARK LEWIS. Can. 1995. 28 mins.
Based on a pair of projects that were never made: Eisenstein’s movie of Marx’s Kapital and Sam Goldwyn’s absurd fantasy of filming the complete works of Freud. Lewis shoots only the opening and closing credits. The rest, apparently, is summarised in laconic storyboards – ‘Plot Development, ‘Temporary Resolution’ and so forth. Only in dream or theory could such texts ever be realised as drama.
Tickets available on 0871 704 2056
More information available from www.cine-city.co.uk