During the last decade photography has played an increasingly important role as an integral component of installation, sculpture, video and the electronic arts. Photography has become increasingly bound into other technologies such as the internet, television and video. Such developments challenge previous definitions of what photography is and question whether it is useful today to hold onto the idea of the photographic as a distinctive category. An international panel of speakers will address these issues.
Speakers confirmed include: Geoff Batchen (Associate Professor, University of New Mexico), Pavel Buchler (Research Professor in Art and Design, Manchester Metropolitan University), Steve Edwardes (Lecturer at the Open University), Chrissie Iles (Whitney Museum, New York), Laura Mulvey (Professor of Film and Media Studies, Birkbeck College), Peter Osborne (Professor of Philosophy, Middlesex University), Olivier Rihon (Head of Photography, Royal College of Art) and Richard Shiff (Professor and Director of the Center for the Study of Modernism, University of Texas).
Further details from: David Green tel: 01273 643014 e: dg53@bton.ac.uk
Tickets £60 for both days £40 for one day, concessions £40/25