Monica Ross is currently A.H.R.B. Research Fellow at the The Fine Art Department, University of Newcastle-on-Tyne. She is an artist who works in drawing, text, video, installation and durational performance. Her work has been shown in performance, public, community and gallery spaces throughout the UK and Europe. Exhibitions include "Issues" (I.C.A. London 1980), "Post- Morality" (Cambridge Darkrooms 1990), and "A Show About Time" (Milch London 1998). "Just for Now", a performance text, has been published in ‘Performance Research’ (Vol.3. No. 4), and a Routledge Journal, "valentine" (a book work), was published by Milch, London, in Summer 2000.
From 1985 - 2000 Monica Ross was a Senior Lecturer in Fine Art at St. Martins School of Art / Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, and Subject Leader of Critical Fine Art Practice between 1990 - 1998.