Finding Fluid Form is a two day symposium inviting theoreticians and practitioners working with live systems, merging questions of interface design, intelligent environments, performance and physical output to discuss and present work suggesting how new technologies of behaviour can lead to the thinking of indeterminate form.
The conceptualisation of embodiment as a fluid construct is informing a contemporary debate on morphogenesis suggesting new intersections between biology, computer science and creative practice. The thinking of a new practice of generative arts is exploring the state space of self-breeding artefacts, while in architecture a procedural conceptualisation of space has allowed for the development of a new digital praxis. While these emergent disciplines focus on form generation, creating fields of possible shapes from the fittest, the most practical or most pretty, is chosen, this seminar explores a technology of behaviours where the inherent indeterminacy of form and program is retained.
Finding Fluid Form explores form as a fluid construct, a shaping taking place through learnt responses to a context. Here, form is thought as a calcification of habit continually morphing with the changes that occur in the situated