One Blind Man’s Journey by Lynn Manning, Directed by Robert Egan, Live Music by Gary Bergman
"Manning gives us the mean streets of L.A., a childhood straight out of hell and a liberation entirely of his own making." Los Angeles Times
"In 1978 Mr. Manning was a cocky 23-year-old with a new job and a hot date when he dropped into a Los Angeles bar. He left in an ambulance, having been shot in the head by a stranger who had taken a dislike to him.
His identity in the world's view changed that day from black man to blind man." Los Angeles Times
WEIGHTS is a powerful performance that utilises prose, poetry and music to tell the real-life story of Lynn Manning. A passionate and inspiring one-man show, with live music accompaniment, WEIGHTS is about a man who has overcome tremendous obstacles in life. Lynn grew up as an impoverished black child in the foster care system of South Central Los Angeles, the son of an abusive father and alcoholic mother. At the age of 23 he was shot in a senseless bar fight, losing his sight completely.