visions Discussion Forum Event
A debate on the current and future influence of practice-led research.
Through a programme of research, commissions, debates and presentations, visions plans to examine new approaches to the ‘creative manipulation of objects in space using both real and virtual spaces’ through research.
visions, promoted by the University of Brighton, is exploring new directions for its future development. We are looking at ways in which visions can develop as an essential platform for experimental visual performance, informed by practice-led research. Our research across the spectrum of arts and architecture involves artists and scientists, academics, other creative practitioners and cultural organisations (please see attached statement for more context) and other relevant partners. The visions programme will present this work and research through a series of University-led events and symposiums rather than the previous festival format. visions will not therefore not being organising a biannual visions festival in October 2006.
We are inviting key professionals who may have an interest in this area to the University for a free discussion forum which aims to:
1) Focus key partners on how visions can contribute to their objectives;
2) Discuss the issues raised by the forthcoming Arts Council Strategy for Higher Education for: visions, University of Brighton, artists, creative practitioners and researchers;
3) Discuss the possibilities of practice-led research and how these are relevant for – creative practitioners, cultural organisations, venues and Higher Education
4) Explore how visions can exploit its position to be a platform for experimental visual performance, informed by practice-led research.
The programme is as follows:
Prof. Jonathan Woodham, Centre for Research Development, (Arts and Architecture) University of Brighton and Chair of visions (project advisory group)
Welcome and setting out the context of visions future programme in research and development.
Prof. Bruce Brown, Dean of Faculty of Art & Architecture, University of Brighton, will speak about the current position of practice-led research informed by his paper Types of Research in the Creative Arts and Design
Case studies – Blast Theory / Mette Ramsgard Thomsen (University of Brighton) and Carol Brown Dances
Demonstration of successful models for practice-led research.
Demonstrate progression from experimental research to applications of ideas to more mainstream public performances/spaces
Directed discussions in forum groups led by Madeleine Hutchins (Arts Management Consultant and Trainer)
Plenary Session
Summary and Close