9th Dec 2010 7:00pm-10:00pm
Sallis Benney Theatre
Race Equality in the South East - Question Time
The Runnymede Trust, in association with MOSAIC, would like to invite you to attend "Race Equality in the South East" in the Sallis Benney Theatre, Brighton on Thursday 9th December between 7.30 and 9pm.
The event will be a "Question Time" style debate with a panel made up of councillors and activists from across the region, and will offer an opportunity for people across the south east to quiz them on race equality issues in the area.
The event will be introduced by Althea Wolfe, MOSAIC - a Brighton based Black and mixed parentage family group.
Panelists include:
* Lord Navnit Dholakia, Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrats in the House of Lords and former Liberal Democrat party president
* Councillor Juliet McCaffery. Chair of the Labour Party Group and Equalities Spokesperson, Brighton and Hove City Council
* Councillor Bill Randall, Convener of the Green Party Group, Brighton and Hove City Council
* David James Smith: Writer at the Sunday Times Magazine and author of “Young Mandela: The Revolutionary Years”. David lives in Lewes with his wife and children, and recently wrote an article for the Sunday Times on his family’s experience of racism in the area
* Dr Rob Berkeley (Chair): Director of the Runnymede Trust
Conservative Party panellist TBC
Drinks and canapes will be served from 9pm – 10pm
To RSVP email vicki@runnymedetrust.org or info@runnymedetrust.org, or call 020 7377 9222