17th Mar 2012 9:45am-5:00pm
Sallis Benney Theatre
Illustrated Talks
Green architecture day: illustrated talks
Designing for communities - low impact living in the UK and abroad
Talks by designers, practitioners and professionals, this year focusing on 'Designing for communities' and features academic, industry and self-build experts in the field of low impact community building, including:
Duncan Baker-Brown from BBM sustainable design in Lewes, asserting that it's easy to be green
Jenny Pickerill, an Environmental Geographer, speaking on Low Impact Development in Britain
Jackson Moulding from the urban Ashley Vale project in Bristol
Joe Atkinson speaking about an exciting co-housing initiative, the Low Impact Living Affordable Community (LILAC) project, in Leeds
Jude Dunn from Lammas, discussing low impact Ecovillage development in West Wales
Greg Searle via Skype speaking about Low-carbon lifestyles and behaviours in Sustainable Communities
** Student Special price £15 (early bird only) **
See www.brightonpermaculture.org.uk for more details and booking.