One year on from the Paralympic Games – what is the positive legacy for the cultural sector and what are the challenges and opportunities ahead of us?
5th July, 1.30-6.30pm at the Sallis Benney Theatre, Grand Parade
Symposium details
Speakers at the Symposium include:
- Vidar Hjardeng MBE - Broadcast Journalist, honoured for services to visually impaired people
- Professor Nick Watson - Strathclyde Centre for Disability Research
- Dr Alison Wilde – Bangor University
- Dr Hannah Morgan – Lancaster University
- Adam Simmons – Young Participant
- Kim Aumann – Direct of ART Amaze and resilience practitioner
- Rosie Sherrington - Social Inclusion and Diversity Advisor at English Heritage
- Dr David Bonnet – Architect
- Dr John D Walker - Senior Research Fellow - CUPP
- Jonathan Banks – Chief Executive of Public Art Think Tank – Ixia
- Wendy Mason – Director AA2A – Artists Accessing Art Colleges
- Carole McFadden - Drama & Dance Adviser for East Asia, China & Hong Kong, Middle East and North Africa - Arts Group - British Council
Places are limited so if you would like to attend please follow the link and make sure you book your place now for just £5.