Bad Pharma – Ben Goldacre 7pm
Ben is a writer, broadcaster and medical doctor from the UK who writes the hard hitting ‘Bad Science column for The Guardian newspaper, in which he exposes the claims of scaremongering journalists and quack health products. Here he gets behind the facade of pseudoscientific cosmetics adverts, and lays bare the machinations of multinational pharmaceutical corporations, as well as focusing on wider themes such as the medicalisation of everyday life and the psychology of irrational beliefs. Followed by a discussion led by ‘Sense About Science’.
Ben “shows how people have suffered and died because the medical profession has allowed industry’s interest to trump patients’ interests”
Sir Iain Chalmers, Founder of the Cochrane Library
“Terrifying and true. You may never look at your medicine cabinet the same way again”
Dara O’Briain
£15/12 available from the website and on the door. Advanced booking highly recommended.