On 13-15th September, a group of artists, designers, software developers and data scientists will come together for 48 hours at the Brighton FuseBox to try to explain one of the most baffling events of our time... the global financial crisis and the recession that it caused.
We have assembled a large amount of public data about the crisis, and will ask our participants to interrogate it to provide new insights using digital and physical graphics and art.
Some of the specific questions that might be tackled include:
• What caused the global financial crisis?
• What effect has our Government’s response to it had?
• How has private and public spending changed since the crisis?
• What are the long term effects on our society and how it operates?
We want to find answers to these and similar questions, and we’d like for them to be presented visually, and in ways that are intuitive for anyone to grasp. This could take the form of data visualisations, data-driven physical or digital art, or any other way that our participants can come up with to reveal the key concepts hidden in the data.
We will provide all the food for the weekend, a lot of data about the crisis and its knock-on effects, and some very interesting tools for participants to use to parse, manipulate, and visualise it. A number of “Big Data” and data visualisation mentors will also be on hand to guide participants in producing their creations.
Are you an artist, designer, hardware hacker, software dev, or data scientist up for the challenge? We will be accepting participant applications via the
BrightonHack.com site beginning on 1st Aug.
Do you want to see the visual explanations of the crisis we come up with at the hackathon and discuss them with participants and the organisers?
There will be a public exhibition of the work produced by participants at The University of Brighton, Grand Parade on Saturday 21st Sept between 11am–5.30pm followed by an invitation only reception in the evening.
Supported By:
Brandwatch, iCrossing, Hydrogen Group, Lexalytics, Leap Motion, University of Brighton, Big Data Insight Group, Amazon Web Services, Joyent
Produced by:
NousPlan and Big Data Brighton