Home » For and about students » Events: Conferences, Workshops, Lectures, Talks » 2019 » March » Diffuse, Embody, Occupy
With text by Louise Gray, co-organised by Jo Langton and Irene Revell
Free places are available for TECHNE students: please email Jo Langton jo.hutton12@gmail.com and irene@electra-productions.com if you would like to reserve a place. Please note that doors are at 7:30pm and the programme will start at 8pm.
Taking its cue from the phrase “diffuse, embody, occupy” this special evening brings together a rare bill of works by Beatriz Ferreyra, Eliane Radigue and Alison Knowles. Beatriz Ferreyra will perform three pieces live using Café OTO’s new multi-speaker set up: Senderos Abismales, L’autre Rive ou le chant des Marecages (2017), Senderos del Olvido (1987). A trio of Angharad Davies (violin), Rhodri Davies (harp), Dominic Lash (bass) will perform acoustic from Eliane Radigue’s new Occam Delta series Occam XXI, Occam River XV, and the world premier of Occam Delta XIV, as well as the rarely performed Proposition IV (Squid) (1970) by Alison Knowles.
Throughout the evening there will be an exhibition in the project space. Holly Antrum will present a new double carousel-based, slow-metered pair of films alongside Keira Greene’s single-channel audio-visual piece, x comme x (2017). There will be specially-printed programme notes written for the evening by Louise Gray. Organised by Jo Langton and Irene Revell with funding from TECHNE AHRC.
For more information see here.