Home » For and about students
Congratulations on making it through a very tough competition to become a Techne student. These pages will help you to exploit the many and varied opportunities for training and networking with fellow researchers across Techne nstitutions, and answer many of the questions you may have.
Under Events: Conferences and Workshops you can find all Techne-sponsored events as well as others of interest to doctoral students. The Training and Support pages tell you how to apply for additional funding, obtain the Researcher Development Certificate and find out about training available at Techne institutions. To discover more about your fellow Techne researchers click on ‘techne students’.
Please note that Techne2 students starting in 2019 onwards, there is no writing up year and you must submit your thesis within your funded period and by your funding end date.
Techne students from 2014 to 2018 are funded for 3 years with 1 year to write up (pro-rata for part time students).
Students who have had their stipend extented through an application to the Study Support and Work Placement Fund (SS&WP), will be treated as funded students during the period of their extension. Note that submission deadlines are not extended in line with the funding extension.
You should inform your local institution about any changes to your personal circumstances and study (e.g. ill-health, extensions, suspensions, change of mode) with a copy to Techne. The contact details for the Techne administrator at your local institution can be found here: http://www.techne.ac.uk/about-techne/techne-members.
We are often asked for recommendations of places for students to find language training. Please click here to see a list of second language training recommended by techne supervisors and students.