Home » For and about students » Events: Conferences, Workshops, Lectures, Talks » 2019 » November » technē Conflux: Writing and Performing "Woman", Feminist and Gender Theory
This workshop is offered as a technē Conflux, an extended training, development, exhibition or performance programme which aims to enhance research or intellectual skills, or facilitate the sharing of expertise amongst doctoral students in the arts and humanities.
Register with Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/writing-and-performing-woman-feminist-and-gender-theory-tickets-73243321747
Venue TBC, but should be in central London.
This workshop encourages participants to approach literary and visual texts from seminal perspectives in twentieth-century feminist and gender theory in order to produce original readings. It examines definitions and debates associated with Franco-feminism (Cixous, Kristeva) and its relationship to Freudian theory, as well as more recent gender theory (Butler, Halberstam). In particular, it explores concepts and applications of écriture féminine, phallo(go)centrism, gender construction and performativity, demonstrating how they illuminate otherwise unseen aspects of various texts. This workshop also reflects on the continued relevance of feminist and queer perspectives in academic research, fostering innovative methodologies and interdisciplinary approaches.
Dr Lucy Ella Rose is Lecturer in Victorian Literature at the University of Surrey. Her collaborative doctoral award from the University of Surrey and Watts Gallery–Artists’ Village supported her research on neglected women in nineteenth-century creative partnerships, using a feminist theoretical framework. Her book Suffragist Artists in Partnership: Gender, Word and Image (Edinburgh University Press, 2018) explores the interconnected creative partnerships of the Wattses and the De Morgans as artists, writers and suffragists. It demonstrates how they supported greater gender equality and female liberation in the nineteenth century, tracing the rise of feminisms through artistic and literary discourses. Rose presents and publishes on women’s writing and is currently working on sisters in fin-de-siècle creative partnerships.
The Philosophy and Critical Methods Conflux is a student-led series of events, aimed at researchers in the arts and humanities. It is funded by Techne doctoral training programme and supported by the University of Surrey doctoral college. For more details and future events, visit https://technecriticalmethods.wordpress.com/
Tea and coffee will be provided. Please feel free to bring your own lunch or snacks.