Home » For and about students » Events: Conferences, Workshops, Lectures, Talks » 2019 » September » technē Conflux: Nietzsche in Deleuze and Foucault
This workshop is offered as part of a technē Conflux, an extended training, development, exhibition or performance programme which aims to enhance research or intellectual skills, or facilitate the sharing of expertise amongst doctoral students in the arts and humanities.
To book in please see Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/nietzsche-in-deleuze-and-foucault-tickets-67489818865
This workshop introduces participants to Nietzsche’s ‘anti-method’ method, and the manner in which he employs historical perspectivism for the sake of building agonisitic and life-affirming forms of knowledge. Moving beyond the aphoristic and dramatic form of Nietzsche’s writing, participants will see how Deleuze and Foucault used Nietzsche to develop ‘poststructuralist’ critiques of post-industrial capitalism and liberal democracy, and how and why such critiques should be used and extended in the context of contemporary critical research.
Facilitator: Professor Nathan Widder (RHUL).