Home » For and about students » Events: Conferences, Workshops, Lectures, Talks » 2020 » April 2020 » Writing through a Crisis
To sign up please email techne@rhul.ac.uk.
Writing time is precious. In normal times it’s also nearly always either interrupted or wasted, at least in part, in procrastination. In times of anxiety it’s also very hard to concentrate. In this online workshop we’ll share our ‘normal’ writing habits, and what, because this current crisis is protracted, may become our ‘crisis’ writing habits. We’ll explore writerly techniques to help us focus. We’ll see how we can use writing time more efficiently by setting up realistic daily goals and recognising when it’s best to ease off and when to press on. By the end of the workshop, you should be better able to:
The online workshop will run from 10.00 to 12.00 (online platform Zoom)
for 10 participants, the small number ensuring all participants get a chance to
speak, share their experience, and feel part of a group.
Katie Grant FHEA co-created the Advancing Academic Writing skills website for the University of Glasgow, where she was the Royal Literary Fund Writing Fellow for three years, helping undergraduates, Masters and PhD students with their writing. A columnist, occasional broadcaster, author of ten novels (Sedition, her latest, is published by Virago), chair of the judges for the Walter Scott Prize for Historical Fiction and an occasional book reviewer for, amongst other publications, the New York Times, she runs writing workshops on improving the quality, reach and impact of academic writing for all levels of HE. Long experience of the practical, emotional and organisational challenges of writing for deadlines and for different audiences informs all her workshops. She understands from first-hand the value of getting writing done and getting it done well.