Home » For and about students » Events: Conferences, Workshops, Lectures, Talks » 2020 » February 2020 » Elicitation and the Interview
Book in: email techne@rhul.ac.uk This is a short course on the interview in research as a stand
alone technique, part of a mixed methods approach, or experimental advanced
elicitation practice. It will focus on introducing the interview in research: what
it is and what takes place experientially and existentially; pros, cons and
difficulties in interview practice; and issues around gender, transcription and
integrating extracts into writing. It will then take the interview model and
add more experimental advanced elicitation techniques to work with research
respondents - the use of digital glasses in particular. No prior interview or
social science experience is needed, though we do live in an "interview
society" as you will discover...
This workshop will be taught by Jonathan Skinner (University of Roehampton).
Suggested readings: