Home » For and about students » Events: Conferences, Workshops, Lectures, Talks » 2020 » May 2020 » Interfaces: Collaboration – Interdisciplinarity – Impact
An AHRC student online conference on experiences of research at the interfaces of academia and industry
Book in here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/interfaces-collaboration-interdisciplinarity-impact-tickets-74267168099
Interface: A point where two systems, subjects, organisations, etc. meet and interact
As an arts and humanities doctoral research community we often work at a range of interfaces between: academic disciplines and practices, between academia and diverse industries and policy-makers, and amongst a range of academic and non-academic individuals and communities.
Working at these interfaces is often inspiring and integral to our research and practice. Yet our experience suggests these interfaces are not always easy and straight-forward to navigate. As practices of collaboration, interdisciplinarity and impact become key modes of contemporary arts and humanities research within academia and industry it is important that we;
This conference will gather together AHRC students from across the UK with experts from a range of industries, policy makers, and academics to question:
An important element of this conference will be its ethos of interactivity, aided by the design of the programme structure. Over the two days delegates will move from spaces for large interactive group sessions to more intimate spaces to encourage personal reflection, small group conversations and practical activities.
This conference is organised by the Techne AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership as part of the National Productivity Investment Fund (NPIF). The NPIF doctoral studentships were first offered through the UK Research Councils in 2017, with further studentships in 2018. The conference booking will give first priority to NPIF students across the AHRC DTPs nationally, before opening up for other doctoral students to attend.
We will be holding Interfaces online on Zoom, with a series of panels, lectures and workshops spread over three afternoons. Attendees can join in with as many or as few sessions as they would like.
Please see here for the full conference programme.
1. Please book in via Eventbrite so that we can include you in our communications to conference delegates.
2. After completing your Eventbrite booking, please look through the programme website and register for individual sessions you would like to attend by clicking on the registration link.