Home » For and about students » Events: Conferences, Workshops, Lectures, Talks » 2021 » June 2021 » Techne Conflux: Performance as Research - The History Bois Residency (Brighton Fringe)
The History Bois: Adventures in Time & Gender residency, 23-26 June, @ ONCA Barge. Curated by multi-disciplinary artists & performance makers SL Grange & E.M. Parry (both UoB PhD candidates), showcasing a range of time & gender-queering events, inc. exhibition, performance, drag, poetry & workshops (see individual listings for details). All events free / donation. Booking essential for workshops and special events, due to COVID saftey.
23-26/06: 'We Elizabethans' - a cluster of sibling artworks in ONCA Barge's Lower Deck:
Closet Dramas: E.M. Parry - An enigmatic cast of queer & unruly characters haunt, provoke & flirt with the viewer. Drawing on the historical genre of the closet drama, these works use a bricolage of practices to offer quasi-dramatic experiences in a playfully haunting hybrid of performance, document & score.
Fag Ends//Fag Breaks: E.M. Parry - durational installation & performance. Kinetic sculpture / queerly embodied archive, Fag Ends//Fag Breaks uses centuries-old tobacco-pipe stems mudlarked along the Thames banks, traces of human physicality & interaction to mark out a map across time, traced in the surrogate bones of the nameless dead.
The work can be experienced as a durational installation open daily 10-5.30 (drop-in), or a one-off performance, Fri 25/06, 7.30pm. Performance accompanied by A Lucky Resurrection -live, improvised writing event by SL Grange.
Weds 23/06 6-9pm: Launch party. Hosted by Jacobethan drag king Mal Content. Historical fancy dress encouraged –go full Marie Antoinette, or keep it ruff n ready: prizes for innovation, effort, & starching!
24/06 2:30-4:30 Political Drag workshop with LEah Kirby aka Cyro. Creating art inciting change & incorporating non-Western techniques, Leah Kirby/CYRO explores socio-economic & political issues through non-traditional formats. In this ONLINE workshop, they dissect their practice & techniques for building drag performance around the black trans experience. BSL interpretation provided.
25/06 3:00-4:30 Meeting the Unruly Dead workshop with SL Grange. This ONLINE workshop run by poet, drag king & artist SL Grange is for folks wanting to connect with Queer tr/ancestors. Integrated audio description and auto captions provided.
Also on 25/06, 7.30pm Fag Ends//Fag Breaks performance accompanied by A Lucky Resurrection.
26/06 2:30 - 4:30 SHOW THYSELF! workshop SL Grange & E.M. Parry lead an IN-PERSON workshop exploring historically-inspired queer self-fashioning. Combining creative writing with photographic portraiture and installation elements, we'll guide you through a gentle, playful process that invites you to fashion yourself to explore an alternate self. BSL interpretation and integrated audio description provided. Wheelchair-accessible space inc accessible toilet.
All residency activity is free to attend, however due to COVID safety booking is essential for all workshops and special events. The installation is open for drop-in visits without pre-booking. Book via Brighton Fringe. https://www.brightonfringe.org/whats-on/the-history-bois-at-onca-barge-drag-and-queer-history-creative-workshops-148063/ & https://www.brightonfringe.org/whats-on/the-history-bois-adventures-in-time-gender-residency-at-onca-barge-148064/