Home » For and about students » Events: Conferences, Workshops, Lectures, Talks » 2021 » March 2021 » Re-search: Returns and accumulations in creative and theoretical processes (Day 1)
A training event in two parts for PhD students in the arts and humanities
This training event explores the ways in which the process of research engages with the practice of moving between different materials that often overlap, intersect and accumulate. It encourages researchers in the Arts and in the Humanities to consider the implications of attending to the “gaps” in between materials and perspectives, and of “re-searching” and “re-writing” knowledges and experiences across different mediatic, historical, cultural, artistic and philosophical frameworks and paradigms. How does the cumulative and iterative practice of “re-search” question and perhaps unsettle accepted epistemological paradigms, inviting the researcher to consider the interconnected mechanisms that make up theoretical and creative activity?
Part 1: Tuesday 30 March 2021 (4:30-6pm, online)
The Gaps Between is an artist talk by choreographer and artist-researcher Jonathan Burrows on the creative process as a mode of attending to “the dust that accumulates” between different fragments of thoughts and images from a number of sources; the talk will engage with notions of artistic practice and research as a temporary archive where what holds significance are both the materials that have been collected and the “gaps” in between.
The talk will be followed by a Q&A session.
Jonathan Burrows is a choreographer who, for the past 18 years, has focussed on an ongoing body of work with the composer Matteo Fargion. The two artists are currently touring 10 different pieces, which continue to be performed widely internationally, including retrospectives in various countries. Burrows and Fargion’s work is couched in dance practice, but draws upon approaches and materials from different performance forms. Recent work includes the duet Body Not Fit For Purpose made for the 2014 Venice Dance Biennale, a video installation Der Moderne Tanz made in 2016 for the Museum der Moderne Salzburg, and the 2016 year-long online 52 Portraits project (www.52portraits.co.uk). Burrows is Associate Professor at the Centre for Dance Research, Coventry University. He has been a regular visiting member of faculty at P.A.R.T.S. (Brussels) and a Guest Professor at universities in Berlin, Gent, Giessen, Hamburg and London. He is author of A Choreographer's Handbook, published by Routledge (2010).
Registration is required: please use the Eventbrite link below
A Zoom link to join the event will be provided following registration.
Day 2 of this workshop will be on 6th May.
If you would like more information, please email the organiser, Dr Daniela Perazzo Domm (d.perazzodomm@kingston.ac.uk).