Conflux - Embodied Health: Life Writing Study Day
8th Jun 2022 9:30am-5:30pm
This workshop is offered as part of a Techne Conflux, an extended training, development, exhibition or performance programme which aims to enhance research or intellectual skills, or facilitate the sharing of expertise amongst doctoral students in the arts and humanities.
Register here:
Location: Online or at University of Surrey (hybrid)
This 'Embodied Health' PhD-level workshop explores intersections of health and life writingThe first half of the study day will enhance participants’ critical understanding of life writing in relation to issues of trauma, health and memory and embodiment. Meg Jensen will discuss her work on life writing and traumatic life experiences and Beth Palmer will lead an interactive discussion on the histories and methodologies of ill health and embodiment in life writing studies.The afternoon workshop will move on from the morning session’s look at narratives of trauma to an exploration of writing that demonstrates an embodied awareness and authority of self. Challenging events, however, are part of life experience and our focus will be on the benefits of reflective and personal writing for your day-to-day academic progress. In his book The Body Keeps the Score, Bessel Van Der Kolk writes “Modern neuroscience solidly supports Freud’s notion that many of our conscious thoughts are complex rationalizations for the flood of instincts, reflexes, motives and deep-seated memories that emanate from the unconscious”. Becoming aware of our needs for self-expression gives us the capacity to heal ourselves and to live as effective human beings. We will explore some of the strategies and processes of life writing, as well as the integration of self into critical or creative workScheduled day events'Trauma, Time, Body, Memory, Detachment: Life Writing, Restaged Moments and Recovery' - Talk by Meg Jensen‘Embodied Life Writing' - Critical discussion by Beth Palmer and Meg Jensen'On Creative Writing: Strategies and Transformative Effects' - Creative workshop by Liz Bahs and Monica SuswinFor day schedule and programme: