Exploring the Archive, Expanding the Archive
21st Oct 2022 10:00am-5:45pm
Register: bit.ly/ETAETA
Venue: Roehampton University
Does your research involve archival research? Would you like to learn more about ways to approach "the archive"? Exploring the Archive, Expanding the Archive is a student-led symposium which considers innovative and inclusive ways to approach archival research, and ways in which traditionally excluded voices can be uplifted and critically centred.The event will feature talks and workshops from experts in archival research from Roehampton, members of the Engendering the Stage Project, a roundtable and Q&A from current Techne students involved in archival research, perspectives on creative approaches to archival work from Dr. Will Pooley (Creative Histories of Witchcraft), and researchers from The National Archives. The event will aim to equip students with new and innovative ways of conceptualising and using the archive in their own research, while also providing students the chance to discuss their research with other Techne students and experts in the field.Exploring the Archive, Expanding the Archive will be held at Roehampton University on Friday, October 21st from 10am - 6pm. A full scheduled will be emailed to attendees prior to the event.Tickets for Techne students are free; non-Techne students who wish to attend will be asked to pay £8. Lunch, coffee, tea, and biscuits will be provided.If you have any questions, please contact our Lead Organizers, Bethan Davies (daviesb3@roehampton.ac.uk) and Evey Reidy (reidye@roehampton.ac.uk). We look forward to welcoming you!