Home » For and about students » Events: Conferences, Workshops, Lectures, Talks » 2023 » July 2023 » Co-creating access in urban green spaces
Co-creating access in urban green spaces: disability justice training & practical workshop with Quiplash and Compost Mentis
Location: Stepney City Farm, Stepney Way, London, E1 3DG
To register: please sign-up on Eventbrite AND complete this short registration form
This is a free workshop for learning about and beginning to put into practice disability justice in urban green spaces. It is suitable for people who are new to growing and/or disability justice, as well as those already more familiar with one or other of those fields. The workshop will be responsive to the needs of the group who attend.
Part 1: 11-1pm
Disability Justice and awareness training with queer, disability led consultancy Quiplash. The session will explore a range of intersecting experiences of access, including physical, sensory, linguistic, social, cultural, neurological, financial and emotional access, considering how these can be part of a broader politics and ethics of care.
Lunch: 1-2pm free vegan lunch provided
Part 2: 2-4pm
Gathering up our learning from the morning session, we will take a walk around the farm and begin to identify potential barriers, considering different strategies and methods for improving access. Part 2 will be co-facilitated with Compost Mentis, a coop who work on designing and building garden infrastructure with a focus on ecological and social justice.
We're hoping that this workshop, which offers people working in green spaces, growing projects, and research related to ecology and growing to gather around disability justice, could sow a seed for future convening and sharing of practice around making green spaces more accessible.
Access information
This event will take place at Stepney City Farm, which is wheelchair accessible. Children are welcome with adult participants. If you have any access needs you’d like to discuss before participating please email Meghan@compost-mentis.com