Home » For and about students » Events: Conferences, Workshops, Lectures, Talks » 2023 » June 2023 » Visual Ethnography
Visual Ethnography - Techne Training and Development Day
Please chose between “On campus Kingston School of Art” or “Online (MS Teams)” ticket.
This 3-day workshop will introduce postgraduate researchers to practical elements of visual ethnography. PGRs will be introduced to the basics of observational fieldwork, and then undertake a practical fieldwork exercise. The workshop will give PGRs opportunity to directly use ethnographic methods, actively reflect on this activity, and consider the application of these methods in their PhD projects.
The workshop welcomes researchers in visual arts disciplines as well as from other disciplines whose thesis entails elements of visual ethnography. A maximum of 15 PhD students can participate.
Day 1 - 5th June
Knights Park Campus and online (per individual preference)
Welcome by workshop leaders and introductions
Participants’ 5-minute introductions to their research project and themselves
Introduction to Visual Ethnography
Visual Ethnography methodologies in practice
Keynote by Dr Nelson Mota, TU Delft
Group discussion: How might visual ethnography work for me?
Bag ethnography - practice session and report back
Fieldwork briefing and preparation
Day 2 - 6th June
Off Campus: Fieldwork - participant ethnographic exercise
This exercise will be completed independently by participants.
Identify a suitable public location / context, and plan and conduct appropriate ethnographic activities. Where will you go? What will you do? What material will you generate?
Prepare a 6-slide presentation for delivery on Day 3, to include:
1. where did you go? – why there?
2. What was it like? – give details of the environment / context
3. who else was there?
4. what did you do? – e.g. questions you asked
5. what did you learn? - insights
6. How do you reflect on the experience?
Day 3 - 7th June
Knights Park Campus and Online
Reporting back: participants’ 6-slide presentations
Exercise: “How might I use design ethnography in my PhD?”
Ethnographic practice and research ethics
Leaders / facilitators
Dr Paul Micklethwaite, Kingston School of Art London
Dr Christoph Lueder, Kingston School of Art London
Dr Nelson Mota, University of Delft