Home » For and about students » Events: Conferences, Workshops, Lectures, Talks » 2023 » May 2023 » Gender & Research
Please register here, choosing Techne student ticket option: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/gender-and-research-13-15-20-22-june-tickets-633159335617
This course will run across 4 x 3-hour online workshops, ideally you should be able to attend all 4 to register. They will run from 10am to 1pm on 13th, 15th, 20th and 22nd June 2023.
During this 4-part course we will share our experiences and build our understanding of the gender inequalities that persist in higher education and research. We will unpack the causes and the systems that reward some and discriminate against others, finding, and developing strategies for dealing with the day-to-day challenges and frustrations as well as exploring how we can be part of and lead the systematic change that will happen.
Session 1: Exploring identities; understanding barriers.
Session 2: Challenging the status quo; becoming inclusive.
Session 3. Building our knowledge; finding our voice.
Session 4. Making change happen; sustainability and care.
This online programme consists of four modules, which will help us identify, understand, and challenge gender inequality in academia – at both personal and institutional levels. Following this course researchers will have a greater understanding of the impact of cultural and structural gender bias on their careers as researchers and within the wider global, internationalised context. They will have the skills and toolkits to manage these challenges on a day-to-day basis but also to play their part in challenging gender inequality to effect systematic, cultural long-term change; enhancing and improving their career possibilities and environments, as well as of those who follow them.