Home » For and about students » Events: Conferences, Workshops, Lectures, Talks » TECHNE Event: Interdisciplinary and Impact in the Long Nineteenth Century
Date: 13-14th April 2018
Venue: Royal Holloway Victorian Studies Centre, University of London
The London Victorian Studies Colloquium is an annual residential colloquium for postgraduates and postdocs working in Victorian Studies. This is a relatively informal weekend of postgraduate papers, and training and professionalisation workshops, combined with time for networking in the beautiful Victorian surroundings of Royal Holloway.
This year’s event will include:
Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis and the colloquium is open to Masters, doctoral students and postdocs from the UK or abroad, working on any nineteenth-century topic.
Participants do not have to present a paper but we will be looking for a small number of speakers to give short papers (20 minutes) on any topic. We particularly encourage papers that speak to the colloquium themes of “interdisciplinarity” and “impact”. Topics for papers may include:
Please email Dr Katie McGettigan, Royal Holloway, if you would like to present a paper: katie.mcgettigan@rhul.ac.uk.
The weekend is subsidised, so fees are £80 for overnight residential delegates (this includes the cost of registration, accommodation, dinner (Fri), breakfast and lunch (Sat) and all refreshments) and £40 for day delegates (Friday or Saturday only, includes dinner or lunch and refreshments). The event is free for TECHNE students.
Due to generous support from the British Association of Victorian Studies, we also have a small number of travel bursaries available. These will be awarded on the basis on distance travelled, and applicants do not have to be giving a paper. Please complete and email this form to Dr Katie McGettigan at the above address if you would like to be considered.
The deadline for applicants is 5 pm Monday 26th March or as soon as places are full. We have approximately 25 residential places available. Participants can register for the colloqiuum here.