Home » For and about students » Events: Conferences, Workshops, Lectures, Talks » The London Victorian Studies Colloquium: A Residential Postgraduate Weekend
Royal Holloway Victorian Studies Centre, University of London
Supported byRoyal Holloway Department of English and the TECHNE AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership
The London Victorian Studies Colloquium is an annual weekend residential colloquium for postgraduates and postdocs working in Victorian Studies, to be held at Royal Holloway Victorian Studies Centre on 7-9 April 2017. This is a relatively informal weekend of postgraduate papers, reading groups and professionalisation workshops, allowing generous spaces also for participants to socialise and study in the beautiful surroundings of the college. We hope to include a viewing of the Victorian art collection in the Royal Holloway picture gallery.
This year’s event will open with a panel session on the heritage and cultural industries featuring eminent speakers from these sectors – Sonia Solicari (Director of the Geffrye Museum), Cindy Sughrue OBE (Director of the Charles Dickens Museum and former Chief Exec of the Scottish Ballet) and Alex Werner (Curator, Museum of London). Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis and the colloquium is open to Masters, doctoral students and postdocs from the UK or abroad.
Participants do not have to present a paper or lead a workshop but we will be looking for a small number of speakers to give short papers (20 minutes) on any topic. The weekend will be led by Juliet John and Sophie Gilmartin of Royal Holloway. Please e-mail Professor Juliet John (Juliet.John@rhul.ac.uk) if you would like to lead a session or present a paper.
The weekend is subsidised, so fees are £100 for weekend residential delegates (this is an all-in fee which includes the cost of registration, accommodation, dinner, B&B for the weekend) and £80 for non-resident weekend delegates. This year’s event is free to TECHNE students. Please click on the following link to register:
The deadline for applicants is 5 pm Monday 20th March or as soon as places are full. We have approximately 25 residential places available
Please check your availability and commitments before signing up to this event. Booking and then cancelling may deny opportunities to others and also wastes money, food and other resources.