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Minlib Dallh, Regent’s Park College, University of Oxford
Two Pioneering Women Mystics: Mechthild of Magdeburg (d. c.1282) and Sayyida (‘Aishah) al-Mannubiya (d. 1262)
Dr Minlib Dallh OP is a Dominican friar who currently holds the position of Fellow for the Study of Love in Religion at Regent’s Park. Br Minlib’s primary research is on comparative mysticism: Christianity and Islam. Other research interests include the Christian discipleship of vowed Catholic religious men and women living in the abode of Islam and the history of Dominican orientalism. His current research focuses on medieval Christian women mystics’ use of bridal/marital language and erotic imagery. His research includes pre-modern Sufi women’s concepts of intimate love of God or living in love with the Divine Beloved. His interest extends to the thorny relationship between hanbalism (arguably the most conservation school of jurisprudence in Sunni Islam) and Sufism’s religion of love. In this case, he has a particularly interest in the contribution of Hanbali Sufi women to mystical love.
All research seminars are on Wednesday evenings – 6.00 to 7.30 pm – in the Convent Parlour, Digby Stuart College, University of Roehampton, Roehampton Lane, London SW15
ALL WELCOME – drinks and nibbles provided
For further information, please contact Tina Beattie: tel. 020 8392 3419 t.beattie@roehampton.ac.uk
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