Home » For and about students » Events: Conferences, Workshops, Lectures, Talks » A Letter of Love To You - London Feminist Film Festival
I just wanted to share the fantastic news with you that my zero budget, short experimental film "A Letter Of Love To You" was selected to be screened at the London Feminist Film Festival this year on 21 August at 1:30pm.
It is a short meditation, using Luce Irigaray's work on the three big words to express love as a starting point to explore the importance, usage and influence of language for our understanding of relationships, gender and power. It forms part of the wider practice-based part of my PhD project.
More information and tickets can be found here: https://londonfeministfilmfestival.com/london-feminist-film-festival-2016-programme/sun-21-aug-1-30pm-animation-an-experimental-shorts/
I would be delighted if you could join the event