Home » For and about students » Events: Conferences, Workshops, Lectures, Talks » Techne Conflux: ‘How Like a Leaf' Art, Nature and World, Writing Workshop 1
This workshop is offered as part of a TECHNE Conflux, an extended training, development, exhibition or performance programme which aims to enhance research or intellectual skills, or facilitate the sharing of expertise amongst doctoral students in the arts and humanities.
Venue: Royal Holloway University of London, 11 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3RF
This workshop is aimed at postgraduate researchers in the environmental humanities interested in interdisciplinary collaborations. The first half of the workshop introduces students to concepts, protocols, and challenges that may emerge in interdisciplinary research between the environmental humanities and sciences. The second half of the workshop will present world-leading research into the Anthropocene. Using this as a case study for interdisciplinary work, students will be invited to consider and discuss possibilities for initiating and engaging in interdisciplinary collaboration in their research.
The workshop will be led by Adeline Johns-Putra (Reader in English Literature, University of Surrey) and Matthew Evans (Professor of Ecology, University of Hong Kong) and includes a keynote presentation by Mark Maslin (Professor of Climatology, University College London).
Mark Maslin is Professor of Climatology at University College London and a Royal Society Industrial Fellow. He is science advisor to the Global Cool Foundation and the Sopria-Steria Group, and a member of the Cheltenham Science Festival Advisory Committee. He is the author of over 165 scientific papers and has also written many popular books, most recently, The Human Planet: How We Created the Anthropocene (with Simon Lewis, 2018).
10-11.30: Practical interdisciplinarity; or ‘The Speed Date’
11:30-12:00 The Anthropocene: preliminary discussion
12.00-1.30: Lunch
1.30-2.30 The Anthropocene (keynote by Mark Maslin)
2.30-3.00: The Anthropocene and interdisciplinarity
3.00-3.15: Coffee break
3.15-4.00: The Anthropocene and your research: open discussion
Workshop registration and preparation
The workshop is open to all PGRs. Please register by 6 August 2018 (note: new extended deadline) by emailing howlikealeaf@gmail.com, with the subject line ‘Writing Workshop registration’.
Your registration should include a description of your research (150-200 words), including information about your discipline, experience (if any) with interdisciplinary work, and a candid assessment of the relevance of the sciences to your research and your attitude to scientific research.
Workshop organisers: Adeline Johns-Putra (University of Surrey) and Lucy Mercer (Royal Holloway University of London)