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Call for proposals EVA London Conference 2018
Submission of proposals (in abstract form) is now open.
Deadline: 15th January 2018
We are excited to announce that the EVA London 2018 conference will take place from Tuesday 10th July – Thursday 12th July 2018. In addition, there will be a Pre-Conference Symposium on Monday 9th July 2018 and a further event on Friday 13th July 2018, to be announced in the coming weeks. We will once again bring together artists, designers, researchers, technologists from all over the world, to discuss electronic visualisation technologies in art, design, music, dance, theatre, the sciences and more. EVA London 2018 will be held at the British Computing Society offices, a central London venue near Covent Garden.
Proposing for EVA London 2018
Proposals may be for a paper, a paper with demo, a demonstration, a workshop, or a panel discussion. Your proposal should come under one of the conference themes.
Summary proposals only, please! Please submit only a summary proposal, up to one page (400 words) for selection. Your proposal must be submitted via the EasyChair website:
The main deadline for proposals is Monday 15th January 2018.
The deadline for research workshop proposals is Friday 16th March 2018.
Papers will be presented in 20-minute slots (either in plenary sessions or in parallel) and be associated with a publication of up to 8 pages in the proceedings.
Demonstrations will be formally timetabled normally in parallel with other sessions, in 20-minute slots. Proposals are invited and should be submitted in outline as for papers, above. However, we will not expect detailed demo requirements until nearer the conference, to allow time for development. For publication you will be able to offer either a 2-page summary describing the demo in association with a formal 8-page paper and presentation.
Proposals for panel sessions or workshops are welcome. A panel session would consist of two or more panel members who each make brief presentations or statements, followed by discussion with the audience. We will look for panel sessions to be of wide interest and to stimulate and engage the audience, since most delegates are interested and often expert in using and exploring technologies.
A workshop should be a practical tutorial and would normally in one or two 90-minute sessions.
Electronic visualisation technologies in art, design, music, dance, theatre, the sciences and more ...
Central London venue in Covent Garden
BCS, 1st Floor, 5 Southampton Street, London WC2E 7HA.