Home » For and about students » Events: Conferences, Workshops, Lectures, Talks » Practicing the GeoHumanities: the practice-based thesis and beyond
Are you a PhD student or early career scholar bringing together creative practice and geographical research?
GeoHumanities names an increasingly common intersection of the practice and scholarship of the arts and humanities with geographical scholarship and practice on topics such as environment, landscape, place, identity, mobility and so on. A growing amount of such work is being undertaken through practice-based or practice-led PhDs, often but not always based in Geography departments. This day-long workshop provides an opportunity for those working on practice-led or practice-based PhDs on geographical topics to meet and discuss the challenges and benefits of these ways of working. It will focus in particular on:
The day will unfold as follows:
10.00 – 11.30 am – Opening remarks and ice-breaker [coffee from 9.30]
11.45- 1pm – Writing-Practice relationships in the GeoHumanities
Panel discussion on developing practice-based thesis formats and vivas in the GeoHumanities.
1.00- 2.00 pm – Lunch (provided)
2.00- 4.00 pm – ‘Crit’ break-out groups
Modelled on art school ‘crits’ rather than formal conference presentations, attendees can choose to present their work informally, and potentially raising particular challenges they would like to discuss to a small audience of ‘critical friends’. Attendees can chose to present their work including particular challenges they would like to to a small friendly audience of geographers and practitioners to get feedback from their peers, group [more details below]
4.15- 5.30 pm – Panel on publishing and career development
A panel discussion will bring together academics who have balanced practice within their academic portfolio and editors of journals that specialise in GeoHumanities practice-based research to offer short reflections on publishing and career development.
For further information and to register interest please email geohumanities@rhul.ac.uk with the following details by 20th May.
1) Name and affiliation (if any)
2) A short description of your interests/sample of your practice
3) If you would like to discuss your work during the crit session, please send over either a few sentences or key words about your topic and the challenges you would like to brainstorm with the group. We will endeavour to enable as many people to present as wish too.
The event is free to attend but places are limited.
For more information and details on how to register to attend please go to www.geohumanitiesforum.org.
This event is organised in collaboration with Royal Holloway Centre for the GeoHumanities, AHRC Creating Earth Futures project, and AHRC TECHNE doctoral Training Centre
Image credit: Experiments in Anthropocene Mark Making, Helen Scalway and Harriet Hawkins, 2017.
Please check your availability and commitments before signing up to this event. Booking and then cancelling may deny opportunities to others and also wastes money, food and other resources.