Home » For and about students » Events: Conferences, Workshops, Lectures, Talks » Sounding Out: Radio Skills for Researchers Workshop 2
Workshop 2: The Art of Interviewing
Friday 2nd June 2017, 10am-1pm, Room G34 Senate House
Book here: https://goo.gl/forms/NMBNd0xWoTmZd1uH3
In ‘The Art of Interviewing’ you will learn how to prepare, conduct, record and edit an interview for radio or podcasting. An interview is of course both a research tool and broadcasting format, and is the basis of most factual radio. Perfecting the art of asking questions in a way that will lead to succinct answers will be useful for your podcast projects, as well as academic activities such as chairing panels, or conducting your own field research. Participants will interview each other during the workshop, so you’ll also get the chance to refine how you tell your research story.
This is a hands-on workshop, led by Miranda Schiller. Miranda is a freelance editor and podcaster, specialising in heritage, culture, and history. She has contributed features to public radio stations, and has trained young reporters and producers in Germany and the UK.
You will produce your own audio segment during this workshop. Absolute beginners and those with more experience are welcome to attend. We will explore subjects including:
It will be a mix of theory and practice, with listening examples, practical exercises, a lunch break (please bring your own, or there are cafes nearby), and a final listening and feedback session of your finished product.
As places are limited to 14, please book your place using the online booking form by 19th May 2017. Please email francesca.allfrey at kcl.ac.uk with any queries!
Book here: The Art of Interviewing
Please check your availability and commitments before signing up to this event. Booking and then cancelling may deny opportunities to others and also wastes money, food and other resources.