Home » For and about students » Events: Conferences, Workshops, Lectures, Talks » TECHNE Event: Art Is No Business (what might alternative methods of commercially representing artists look like?)
Venue: Room 101, Kingston School of Art, Knights Park Campus
Date and Time: Wednesday 28th March 2018, 11:00-17:00
What do artists want? What do collectors want? What do institutions want? Why are galleries necessary? Is there a model that embodies a greater co-dependency? We’ll discuss and examine models for showing and selling work and invite all-comers to participate in this open forum. With opening remarks by Rosie Ram (Techne PhD RCA), participants include Judith Carlton (Director Cafe Gallery Projects), Iain Robertson (author Understanding Art Markets: Inside the World of Art and Business, 2015), Matt Hale (artist, co-founder City Racing 1988-98 and co-host The Art Monthly Talk Show) and Caroline Douglas (Contemporary Art Society). Organised by Bruce Haines (Ancient & Modern, & ex Mayfair) with Samuel Levack and Jennifer Lewandowski (French Riviera), supported by TECHNE funded Royal College of Art PhD students Emma Gradin and Wayne Binitie with Kingston School of Art.
Please register via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/art-is-no-business-tickets-43595312754