Home » For and about students » Events: Conferences, Workshops, Lectures, Talks » TECHNE funded: So you want to change the world? Exploring creative methods for social change.
The present moment is one of cascading crises: ecological collapse, food, water and energy shortages, humanitarian nightmares in war zones, massive growth of social alienation and dislocation and so on. If there ever was a need for radical research to materialize, it is now:
How can research not merely 'observe' and report on status quo, but enable a collective, critical and reflective process that imagines the world, life and social institutions not as they are but as they might otherwise be?
Facilitated by the urban performance collective, zURBS, this TECHNE Training Day invites PhD researchers to explore the use of creative practices to develop research that imagines the world differently. In the format of a 'research game', participants will playfully explore the possibilities and challenges of developing creative research for social change by sharing experiences, testing strategies and evaluating tactics in response to relevant research scenarios. The day will end with a panel discussion on how to foster social change through academic research with panellists such as Shane Boyle (QMUL), Janna Graham (Goldsmiths) and Forensic Architecture.
The day is aimed at PhD students whose work draws together themes and topics relating to promoting and/or examining various forms of social change (e.g. urban change, environmental change, social movement research, participatory approaches, protest and resistance) through creative practice based research and/or creative research methods.
The event is free, but places are limited so please register here.
For more information about the event including programme details, please go to http://geohumanitiesforum.org or email cecilie.sachsolsen@rhul.ac.uk
This event is organised by zURBS in collaboration with Royal Holloway Centre for the GeoHumanities, and the AHRC TECHNE doctoral Training Centre.
So you want to change the world Flyer