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Harnessing the Extractive Industries for Development in sub-Saharan Africa 2017 (EX4DEV17)
Date: Thursday 2nd November 2017
Venue: The Picture Gallery, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham
This interdisciplinary workshop will be held over one-day (9:00-17:40) combined with an evening panel discussion and networking event (18:00-21:00). Spaces are available for both components.
This is the 2nd ESRC-funded interdisciplinary workshop to foster dialogue and nurture collaboration between PhD researchers, academics and practitioners. The event focuses on the importance of understanding the people, power and politics that shape the response of agencies, government and the private sector, and the design of development programmes within the extractive industries.
The conference is open to all participants with an interest in the development of the extractives industries including those with, or without, an interest in presenting work based on the overarching theme highlighted above.
Travel grants up to £100 are available for ESRC and SeNSS PhD researchers who wish to participate in the event.
For more information on attending please go to: www.ex4dev.com or email: joshua.sandin.2015@live.rhul.ac.uk