Home » For and about students » Events: Conferences, Workshops, Lectures, Talks » Money Changes Everything: A Workshop on Grant Capture
Venue: 11 Bedford Square, London
Universities now expect academic staff to apply for funding to support their research projects. This has become a standard part of job applications, tenure, and promotion. Students will be invited to look at different funders and processes of developing an application. There will be a particular focus on AHRC standard grants. We will offer example applications that have been funded and those that have not been successful and review the RCUK 'grading' process to help to demystify this process. We will also discuss the difference between research projects that require funding and those that do not, and the importance of institutional partnerships.
This workshop will be run by Dr Danielle Sands and Dr Bryce Lease from Royal Holloway, University of London.
Please email techne@rhul.ac.uk to book a place.