Home » For and about students » Events: Conferences, Workshops, Lectures, Talks » TECHNE Conflux: Art, Performance & Materiality
This workshop is offered as part of a TECHNE Conflux, an extended training, development, exhibition or performance programme which aims to enhance research or intellectual skills, or facilitate the sharing of expertise amongst doctoral students in the arts and humanities.
Location: Studio 5, Jubilee Building, University of Roehampton, London SW15 5PJ
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What concepts of materiality are operative in contemporary art and performance research and how do they shape individual researcher’s approaches to matter?
What are the methodological implications of strains of thought such as process philosophy and new materialism, for art and performance research?
Art, Performance & Materiality is the first in a series of six intensive study days over two years, hosted by the University of Roehampton and University of the Arts London. The days are designed for creative arts and critical theory candidates at doctoral level, and are open to TECHNE researchers and associates at all TECHNE partnership institutions and other interested PhD researchers within those institutions.
Each intensive day combines seminars, workshops and talks and hosts an international guest theorist or artist. Each day is organised around key concepts in interdisciplinary thought that impact upon the study of art and performance: materiality, the sonorous, mobility, the common, temporality and labour.