Home » For and about students » Events: Conferences, Workshops, Lectures, Talks » TECHNE Student-led Conference 2017: Emotion, Engagement and Experience
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The Conference Theme
“Engagement, Emotion and Experience” is the theme of this year’s TECHNE student-led conference. These three words describe the researcher’s position. We are interested in the complex relationships between scholarship and academia and the wider world, both as human experience and as professional practice. This year’s Conference will be held at the London HQ of Amnesty International, the global human rights organisation. It is a fitting venue for us to discuss and present ideas about ways that scholarship engages with the wider world.
We want to explore how the process of research, and its outputs, engage with the world and how this affects the researcher. We will address questions of impact, public engagement, interdisciplinarity, innovative ways of communicating and directing outputs, performance and publishing methods. We are especially interested in discussing ways that “traditional” disciplines are finding new or reinvigorated processes of dissemination and reception.
Topics of interest
Organising committee:
Gillian McIver and Solène Heinzl
For any enquiries please contact: techne.conf2017@gmail.com
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