Home » For and about students » Events: Conferences, Workshops, Lectures, Talks » Hack-a-demia: Future Proofing your academic career
This conference is part of TCCE’s Exchange project, a two year pilot co-funded by Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and Arts Council England. The project brings 16 HEIs from around England, together with our core TCCE membership, to form a unique and extensive network of academic and industry contacts. For further information on the project, please see the dedicated website: www.wearetheexchange.org
The development of Early Career Researchers is at the heart of The Exchange project, and in a fast changing and challenging environment, researchers are having to be increasingly resilient, expert and well grounded. Hack-a-demia will feature a mix of presentations, panel discussions and workshops, to look at the challenges and opportunities for ECRs and how they can develop their research footprint. Editors from Palgrave Macmillan will also be giving advice on how to get published. The conference will in itself be a valuable networking opportunity for ECRs to extend their contacts and share experiences and expertise with a large and cross – disciplinary group of peers.
Hack-a-demia will also provide a space where ECRs can help TCCE shape the next stage of The Exchange project, and the support, development and networking opportunities that we can offer to help them on the next steps of their academic career.
Confirmed contributors include:
Editors from Palgrave Macmillan
Dr Steven Hill, Head of Research Policy, HEFCE
Dr Joanna Dunster, Portfolio Manager: Researcher Careers and Training, Arts and Humanities Research Council
Pam Johnson, Senior Relationship Manager, Arts Council England
Dr Tarek Virani, ECR/ academic consultant
Suzie Leighton, Director of The Culture Capital Exchange
Evelyn Wilson, Director of The Culture Capital Exchange
Dr Enrico Bertelli, Business Developement Manager, The Culture Capital Exchange / Founder Director of Conductive Music CIC
More information on the structure of the day and a full list of contributors will be available shortly.
Please note: This event is free at attend, thanks to HEFCE and ACE funding for ECR development as part of The Exchange project. It is open to PhD students and Early Career Researchers from TCCE core member organisations and Exchange partner HEIs only, and therefore registration is essential.
We ask all attendees to please notify us 48 hrs prior to the event if, for any reason, they find they can no longer attend so that we can release their ticket for another ECR to take up this valuable opportunity. Thank you. Failure to give notice will result in a £20 administration fee.
Photographs/ recordings may be taken at this event for archive and promotional use by TCCE.