Out of the Comfort Zone: Student-led Conference 2018
25th Oct 2018 11:00am-8:30pm
We are thrilled to announce the website and Eventbrite
pages for the 25 October 2018 student-led conference,
'Out of the Comfort Zone' are LIVE - challenge convention, embrace
student-led, one-day conference is a chance to experiment playfully and
seriously outside of the comfort zone. It is an opportunity to learn from
speakers who have taken bold leaps out of their own personal, professional or academic
spheres; to engage with researchers as they present their work in new and
unexpected ways, and to explore the creative benefits of Interdisciplinarity as
we reconsider our working practices.
We are delighted to be welcoming Grayson Perry as our keynote
visit www.techneconference.co.uk to find the programme
for the day, information on our sessions and about our venue, our
conference ethos, as well as a link to book tickets through Eventbrite.
don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions, would like to
volunteer or would like to submit a postcard. Our conference email is techneconf18@gmail.com