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Essential Video Production Skills for Research Students (Beginners Level)
Following the success of the last round, TECHNE is pleased to announce a 2-day introductory course, delivered by Learning on Screen specialist staff, which will enable doctoral students to develop video production skills for research purposes (outputs and presentation).
Learning on Screen offices
77 Wells Street, London W1T 3QJ (by Oxford Circus tube).
First Course: 13th – 14th September 2018
Contact information:
Lucy Witcomb: lucy@bufvc.ac.uk
This 2-day introductory course, delivered by our specialist staff, will enable doctoral students to develop video productions skills for research purposes (outputs and
presentation) and will enhance general employability. By the end of the course attendees will have developed an understanding of the equipment and techniques required in video production and will have utilised this knowledge to have produced, edited and uploaded a film.
Please find attached the course programme.
There are six places on each course and we will be accepting applications on a first come first served basis.
To register for this course, please email us at techne@rhul.ac.uk with your date preference, your area of research/ PhD title, any dietary requirements/ restrictions or access requirements/restrictions.
Attendees are required to bring their own headphones for the practical element of the course.
As this is an expensive course, you must be able to commit to the dates and inform us immediately if you are unable to attend with a valid reason so your place can be allocated to another.
There is no charge for the course and TECHNE students can claim back travelling expenses from their home institution quoting the TECHNE Ad-hoc Travel fund (http://www.techne.ac.uk/training-and-support/student-development-fund).