This page details Techne’s sustainability policy for our training and events. These are the guidelines we follow in all events that we organise. We are always looking to develop what we do in this area, so if you have any suggestions of what we can add to this policy please contact Techne.
Applicants for Techne training funding are encouraged to consider the environmental impact of any events, as this will be a factor in the funding approval process. Above all, consider whether an online event might be more appropriate if long-distance travel would otherwise be involved for speakers or participants.
Check your institution’s environmental policy for events. The suggestions here are drawn from a review of all Techne institution’s standards.
- Flights and other travel: unless exceptional circumstances apply, Techne will not approve funding for long-distance flights for speakers. Speakers travelling from abroad should have a prolonged engagement with the event and attendees (i.e. workshops and discussion during the whole day, not just one lecture).
- Public and low-impact transport options are preferred. Speakers and attendees are encouraged to travel by train or bus, or to car share.
- Cost and environmental impact can usually be significantly reduced through online alternatives; we are happy to advise about suitable platforms and activities.
- Consult the environmental policy for any partner or external venue hosting your event, especially if these differ from your institution’s policy
- We encourage minimum-waste catering arrangements, so please be considerate in planning the style of food supplied and the quantities ordered. Sustainable choices such as reusable coffee mugs and low-packaging options are encouraged.
- We advise booking all vegetarian/vegan catering (taking account of dietary requirements)
- No events will be funded that are deemed to present a significant risk of environmental damage, defacement or pollution.
- We encourage applications that show a sustained impact beyond the initial event, such as legacy resources, recordings and repeatable events. Recordings and permissions should be discussed with external speakers beforehand.