Submission details

BrightONLINE is the University of Brighton College of Arts and Humanities student online literary and critical journal. We warmly welcome your submissions as detailed below.


Submission policy

We welcome from any undergraduate or masters student from the University of Brighton:

  • literary critical essays and dissertations
  • short fiction
  • poetry
  • practice-led literary explorations and hybrid critical/creative practice


Work may have been previously submitted for examination at the university but the journal is not part of any official system and we will only publish work once the university has agreed its release.

Submissions should be a maximum of 8,000 words.

Illustrations are welcome in the form of jpg files over which copyright has been ascertained. Image thumbnails are welcome but not necessary with the submission.

Submission details

  • Please send your typescript in one of the following formats .doc .docx .txt .rtf file
  • Do not add styling to your typescript as we cannot replicate this
  • Clearly state your name
  • Include an abstract of 400 characters or less
  • Include any images as .jpg or .gif files
  • Send your submissions from a university email address. We will shortly post the contact details to which you should send your material.

Editorial policy

All submissions will be equally and fairly reviewed by the editorial team of brightONLINE.

The editorial team will select material for each issue according to criteria which may or may not be published in advance, in order to benefit its readership.

Editors are seeking essays, fiction and poetry which are of critical and literary interest to a community of young literacists, writers and readers. The final selection process is based on a number of factors and the editorial decision is final.

The University of Brighton College of Arts and Humanities retains the right to include only those submissions that help represent itself and the work of its students.

No commercial ventures will be entered into and while copyright resides with the author the College of Arts and Humanities retains the right to keep the article within publication on its website.





brightONLINE student literary journal

06 Oct 2011