Event Name | Poet Clare Best at Contempo poetry event |
Start Date | 9th Nov 2010 5:30pm |
End Date | 9th Nov 2010 7:00pm |
Duration | 1 hour and 30 minutes |
Description | The University of Brighton hosts a contemporary poetry event on Tuesday 9th of November at 5:30pm, organised by Dr John Wrighton and Jess Moriarty through 'Contempo,' a collaborative contemporary poetry centre developed between the Universities of Aberystwyth, Bangor and Brighton. This inaugural session at the University of Brighton will be available through video conferencing across the three universities. Titled 'Heartlands and Hinterlands,' the session features the successful Sussex-based poet Clare Best, familiar to staff and students at the University of Brighton through her many sessions on the Faculty of Arts' creative writing courses and undergraduate modules. Clare talks about her writing process across two recent poetic sequences – Treasure Ground (HappenStance, 2009) and Self-portrait without Breasts. The talk will be illustrated with photographic images as well as readings from both sequences, bringing together Contempo partners in three locations: • University of Brighton: Video Suite, Room M57, Grand Parade, Brighton, BN2 0JY • Aberystwyth University: Video Suite, Ground Floor, Hugh Owen Library, Aberystwyth, SY23 3DZ • Bangor University: Video Suite, Dean Street, Bangor, LL57 1UT Contempo: Centre for Contemporary Poetry is a collaborative research centre co-ordinated by the English Departments at the three universities. It investigates contemporary poetics and poetry and, through this program of videolink seminars and poetry performances, aims to develop knowledge about contemporary poetic practices, about the interface between the word and the visual, and to examine differences in practice between the experimental and traditional poetic forms. Find out more at the Contempo contemporary poetry centre's website www.aber.ac.uk/contempo. The series is organised by Peter Barry (Aberystwyth University), Ian Davidson (Bangor University), John Wrighton (University of Brighton) and Jess Moriarty (University of Brighton). |